Thursday, October 23, 2008

Yep, go out and get yourself an INSPIRATION BOARD!

You may have to purchase a few magazines - or you could come and get some of mine.

It will make you SMILE!


Lori "B" said...

I love your heart displayed here & I really relate! It is my burden as well, now in 2010, to see our women restored to their First Love, Jesus!

Izzy Herriette & Co. said...

Lori, thank you! I love your heart too and I know that God will bless what you put your hands to, as you press in to hear His leading; and then just follow!

So thankful for your friendship ... and your comment! :)

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken


You never know what God might be getting ready to do! (This is a pic from one of my favorite magazines, of which I have way too many, and if this were in audio format you'd hear an all out family "AMEN" on that one, being yelled out in the background.) I have this pic hanging on my "inspiration board" on my kitchen wall. I LOVE THAT BOARD! I didn't know that ARTISTS have "inspiration boards" just like that, until I looked through all those magazines! My step-mother-in-law came to our home for a visit, and I'll never forget her walking over to my BOARD, standing there for the longest time with her head tilting this way and then that. She made this comment, "I'm trying to understand what she was seeing in all this." I LOVE IT! That's the very reason I have THIS BOARD - to help me to see what I'm seeing in all this - LIFE - sometimes! You know, my board literally JUMPS out at me with reminders of all the things that I cherish in life. It gives me back my BREATH sometimes; causes me to remember that I have to inhale and exhale yet another time - KEEP GOING! God has been SO GOOD to me and on this little board of mine, I put clippings of things that remind me of all of the GREATNESS of life. I'll be sharing pics from my board on this site. Hope you enjoy.

What an experience this was for me!

A new beginning!

Women Of God Out Doing or WOGOD - what a "steep, step of faith" that was!

1994 - After being a songwriter since 1979, the Lord began to speak to me about teaching. Actually, He really didn't have much discussion time with me over it ...

My husband and I had gone to Colorado to visit some friends in ministry. My friend's brother was extremely prophetic. He traveled the world at that time. People in high places called upon him to come and prophesy over them. As I was visiting this time, the brother came to greet me. He extended his hand to me for a shake, at which time he jumped back and spoke these words to me, "Whoo! There is a strong teaching anointing here! Look for it in days to come. The Lord will move upon you and perform it in you. It will grow and become prosperous!" There was more but that pretty much tells the story.

Shortly after returning from that trip, I was minding my own business in my home one day, when suddenly the Lord spoke to me and said, "Go get a tape. Drop it in the deck, hit record, and I'll tell you what to say." Well, I nearly dropped. I was definitely not a teacher! I obeyed though. And the words came flooding forth - without me even knowing what was coming - just as it had always been with the music; by the Holy Spirit!

That was the "beginning" of a new beginning! It was only a few weeks following that incident, that our pastor (at that time), asked if I would teach a Sunday morning service. WOW! Talk about MOVING RIGHT ALONG! More and more, I was asked to fill in here and there. Then the Lord spoke to me about the women's group. That's where WOGOD began. And yes, the name came from Him also.

Now fifteen years later I would say that teaching, out of everything I've ever done in the Lord, is my very favorite thing to do because I love the Word of God so much! I love what it's done in and for my life and for the lives of those whom I've been able to share it. Moreover, I am always "wiping myself up from the floor" so to speak, with all of the revelation that comes as one digs into the actual "study" of the Word of God! I believe every Christian should be a radical student of the Bible!

From all of these experiences in my life, I can say to you today, "Open your heart to Him! You don't know what He will deposit in you. You don't know what things will come gushing out of you - by His Spirit".

I absolutely loved those women's meetings! They were such an enormous blessing to my life. I actually grew to love women! (Kidding. No, I mean, seriously I did!)

The Lord showed me a deep weeping in His heart for the women of our day. He showed me the depths of their sufferings, and laid upon my heart and revealed in my spirit, the necessity of coming to the aid of Women in our world today.

I believe that women, specifically of our day, are being ravaged by a new spirit that is presently lurking large; sent to destroy that beautiful, feminine fragrance, that God created her very nature to be.

We must have a raising up of "HONOUR," straight across the board these days. We must learn to lift up, define, and then amplify and CELEBRATE the distinctive qualities, unique in MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN - YOUNG, OLD AND IN BETWEEN!

All of life is to be honored, upheld and highly esteemed; celebrated for it's very miraculous existence!


Contact me through the email address given on each blog site or leave your comments.

Help me to spread this message by spreading the sites!

God Bless You and Yours! Celebrate your lives today.

Women - Be Out There "Shining Your Light" and "Shine It Right"!

Izzy Herriette

Excerpt from: Manifesto - Before The Cock Crows...

Text regarding WOGOD:

Manifesto/Chapter Two
Renken – 140

At the command of the Lord (1994), I founded an
interdenominational women’s group - connected with our church. He instructed me to have it in a neutral place, to enable us to draw women from other faiths, to fellowship with us. We held the meetings in a community building, which was exactly what we needed. We taught that group successfully for three years. Women from other denominations joined us and seeds were planted. I learned so much! I was blessed beyond words, to be able to minister to God’s Women!

Vision: God gave me a revelation of His heart for women in the world. We had three years of women’s meetings, to speak about the days at hand, and those coming; should things continually digress! Christian women should have VICTORY and should be showing a different way! Christian women, largely, are being led down a road right along side all the other women in the world - in dress, in attitude, in beliefs, in marriages, in their attitudes towards their children, their husbands, and on and on. He’d spoken to me that there must be a ‘WAKE UP CALL’ within the Body of Christ, and a renewing of the mind, according to the Word of God. It’s not a stiff, rigid, grievous, law that needs to be enforced (I John 5: 3). Rather a refreshing (Acts 3: 19), which comes only by coming into a right and new understanding of the truth, that truly liberates men, women and children. The way that we as women think, affects the entire fabric of our society! We have great influence in the world, as women. We affect our men and our children. It flows out everywhere we go. WE ARE EFFECTIVE, AS WELL AS INFECTIVE! (We

Manifesto/Chapter Two
Renken – 141

taught the same message then that Lisa Bevere and so many other women like her are out there teaching today! You go women! Keep up the greatly needed work! This work is a great WARNING!) We learned that women in a society act as a barometer for the spiritual condition of that society! That is powerful! And we learned from looking at the women in our society, that ours is in trouble with a capital ‘T’! We realized, by the Spirit of God, that if we don’t get some education in the Body of Christ, really soon, we’ll be in even greater trouble. We’ve got to do something NOW, in order to get this thing turned around!

Wogod Testimonials

(Ginger’s ‘Women of God Out Doing’ – Interdenominational Meetings - 1994 - 1998.)

I started going to WOGOD when a friend invited me to go with her in May or June of ’96. I always loved going to our meetings with all the wonderful women there, and of course, the messages were always the best. It was always a great evening of God’s word, prayer, and fellowship. I was so glad when Pastor Ginger announced that WOGOD was coming back! I want to find the rest of the ladies who were part of our group to invite them to come back so that they can also enjoy our fellowship again. I love to gather together with my Christian sisters to praise our Heavenly Father, to glorify His risen Son, and to see how the beautiful Holy Spirit will move in and with us! Hallelujah and thank You Jesus that WOGOD is back!

Hebrews 10: 23-25 – Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (NKJV) (Chela Handeland)


I love WOGOD because of all the fellowship with the women. It draws my heart to God because he wants to work through all of us. We can learn what we are in God as women.
(Chris Martin)


WOGOD, how and when did it start? The best I can remember is that God gave Ginger a word or vision or knowing that she was to have a Bible study for women. Then He gave her a name for it. WOGOD – Women Of God Out Doing. She finally announced the first bible study I think there were about twenty women who came. Ginger always decorated a beautiful table and furnished refreshments. Sometimes I felt like a few women came especially for that. We always had a good word from God and good fellowship over the refreshments.

We saw lots of wonderful things happen at WOGOD. We had ladies come from Ames, Randall, Jewell, Eagle Grove, Fort Dodge, and Webster City. We had ladies healed, ladies filled with the Holy Spirit, ladies who accepted Christ and I think we were all hungry for the Word of God. I think that most of the women came with an expectancy that something good was going to take place and I don’t think they left disappointed.

I don’t know why but it seems like we can only be committed to a move of God for so long and we start to wax cold or the things of this world become more important in our lives and so was the case with WOGOD until it finally had to be dropped. I think we all were the losers. I’m glad that Pastor Ginger is reviving it again and to God be the Glory & Praise. (Loretta Carothers)


I’ve been blessed to sit under Pastor Ginger’s teachings by being a member of New Hope Church and also the WOGOD meetings. I was studying of the Prophets of the Old Testament and I was seeing Ginger in many of their characteristics. I would like to list some of them.

• The prophet had a close relationship with God. Amos 3: 7
• The prophet deeply loved the people. Exodus 18: 23
• The prophet had a deep sensitivity to sin and evil. Jeremiah 2: 12
• The prophet constantly challenged the shallow superficial holiness of God’s people and tried desperately to encourage heartfelt obedience to every word God had revealed in His law.

When I read all these characteristics I could say YES, all those I have seen in Pastor Ginger. She would be humbled to think this of herself but she is truly a vessel that God pours himself and his revelations for the now into. I have been so privileged to find myself in this time and hour under her teachings. I have a deeper and close walk with my savior Jesus because the anointing oil has flowed from her down onto me. I sit under the banner of love that pours forth from Pastor Ginger and daily thank God for her and her obedience to pull away and listen to what God would say to his church and women that he will soon come to claim as his very own. I can’t thank God enough.
Sincerely, In His love, (Bonnie Everett [McCollough])

This is what the 'inspiration board' does!

This is what the 'inspiration board' does!
Cake Break! You just have to! (Your family will love the board too; after awhile.) (This pic mine; this recipe mine.)

Oh, yeah, and for those holidays, when your husband wants to take something to work for his co...

Oh, yeah, and for those holidays, when your husband wants to take something to work for his co...
laborers. (The report back on this one was, "Oh, my gosh, I ate all those chocolate pretzels before I even realized I'd done it!" And I see that the buckets are sitting all over the shop, being used for pens, pencils, candies. COOL. This pic mine. I made the gifts.)

The Word of God IS ALWAYS - My First Ispiration!

The Word of God  IS ALWAYS - My First Ispiration!
That inspiration makes these what they are.

I'm Moving About The Same Pace As These Guys!

I'm Moving About The Same Pace As These Guys!
Shouldn't the cold actually 'stimulate' you? Something like, if you move about - you'll warm up? That seemed more ageeable in my youthful days.

Ring The Bell - I think It's Tea Time!

Ring The Bell - I think It's Tea Time!
I am absolutely FREEZING! HOT TEA!

Where's The Tea Room?

Where's The Tea Room?
That will add some warmth.

Where Are The Tea Bags?

Where Are The Tea Bags?
Oops! Wrong Cupboard. Close that one 'quick'! That's too much work, for right now. Not to mention, it's the cupboard ignored, for all of 2008, until a week before Christmas. It's also the one sealed shut for a very good 'other reason' - it determines the 'size of the thighs' - of which I've been trying to monitor heavily over the past ten years of my life; and fairly successfully, at that, I might add (thanks to the Lord).

OKAY! I Was Able To Find A Cup.

OKAY!  I Was Able To Find A Cup.
This isn't one of those dainty antiquey tea cups, although, I do have quite a selection of those in the house. Today, I'm going to need this one!

To Our Fellowship

To Our Fellowship
I drink a lot of these. It induces those 'hot flashes' that nearly wipe me out.

Don't We Need Something Else?

Don't We Need Something Else?
Like maybe a warm blanket and some of that other form of stimulous? My Grandmother raised me to accompany tea with something! She possesed a very strong sweettooth! She made the most heavenly fudge, and popcorn as a go-along. She's responsible for every chocolate craving in my life. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!

We Could Have These - Left Over From Christmas...

We Could Have These -  Left Over From Christmas...
ones that my granddaughter and I made the dough for, together, while she was still here, from Iowa. I made them, finally, after she'd gone home already. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep during the movie, as the dough had been chilling in the frig. I was going to mail them to her...still exhausted...didn't know how to pack them...too lazy to get it done. So...we'll be opening that cupboard sooner than we think - maybe we can make it in time for Valentine's Day!

Or maybe I should just climb into a cozy bed for a winter's nap...

Or maybe I should just climb into a cozy bed for a winter's nap...
oh, we can never do that!

Or maybe a bowl of my awesome chili!

Or maybe a bowl of my awesome chili!
I LOVE my recipe for chili. It's the BEST! In my opinion and my mother-in-law's too. You can't do better than that!

NO! It' not chili, YET!

NO!  It' not chili, YET!
Not until we garnish with shredded cheddar cheese, sour cream, cracked pepper, fresh parsley and green onion! Oh, yes! Now, it's CHILI!

Well, what do 'ya know? A fairly decent, cleaned off area, on which to actually sit down and eat?

Well, what do 'ya know?  A fairly decent, cleaned off area, on which to actually sit down and eat?
No way! Not in Ginger's House! Every inch is covered with something.

Just another of my Christmas trees, decorated in that 'quirky, random' manner of mine...

Just another of my Christmas trees, decorated in that 'quirky, random' manner of mine...
that no one else seems to be able to comprehend. However, they surely do spend time studying what all is on there!

One of my Wise Men from that 'thrifty market' - River City Trading Post...

One of my Wise Men from that 'thrifty market' - River City Trading Post...
the best part of Jenks, OK.

The Mantle this year/2008. Total redo.

The Mantle this year/2008.  Total redo.
I was a little 'ruffled' that I had to change it all up but the fireplace and all the new chandeliers are very attractive - so I didn't complain all that much. Well...

Over the past few years, with much traffic going through my home, my family (out of all)...

Over the past few years, with much traffic going through my home, my family (out of all)...
are the ones with whom I have to continually make my plea: Please, just humor me a little longer - before I absolutely HAVE to downsize! Let me have some FUN!

Then you have to begin to 'tilt the head' and give that 'pleading look', as well...

Then you have to begin to 'tilt the head' and give that 'pleading look', as well...
because they're pretty driven in their idea of: NO MORE STUFF, MOM! WIFE! DAUGHTER! DAUGHTER-IN-LAW!

Just another few items from that favorite dive of mine.

Just another few items from that favorite dive of mine.

Okay, I told you every spot has to be filled with something.

Okay, I told you every spot has to be filled with something.
This was in one of the guest rooms - my mother-in-law's to be exact. I don't know that she appreciated the decor as much as she did the chili. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.